Train your mental arithmetic ability with MindCalc (Mind Calculator)
Solve the equation using only the given numbers by touching them.
The faster you solve it, the more points you will earn.
In case you make a mistake, the game ends - so be careful!
The buttons Pass and Impossible
If you cannot or do not want to solve an equation you may push the Pass button to obtain the next equation. Note that the right to push the Pass button is limited to a small number but you can earn additional rights by earning points.
From time to time you might also encounter an equation which cannot be solved with the numbers given. In this case you must push the Impossible button to proceed. Be careful though: If the equation is solvable but you push the Impossible button, this game is over.
There is also a chance that you get an equation with three unknowns. You solve it by touching three appropriate numbers. And there is even the possibility that the equation is not solvable in which case you push the Impossible button to proceed.
Choosing the difficulty
You can choose the difficulty of the game with the button bar at the bottom. On the most difficult level, the game ends in case you cannot solve the equation in the given time.
Leader boards and achievements
Based on the Game Center infrastructure, MindCalc maintains leader boards
and provides you with challenges (i.e. a number of points you need to reach
at a certain difficulty level). You can check the current status of the leader
boards and your achievements with the appropriate buttons on the Info
Playing with a partner
If you have a Game Center account, you can play against a friend (use the Invite button) or let the system choose a partner for you (use the Match button). If it takes too long to find a match, you can cancel the match making process by pushing the Cancel button.
You win if you are the first to reach a certain number of points which depends on the current difficulty level. Your progress towards this goal is measured by the progress bar labeled with your nick name. You also win if your opponent makes the first mistake.
After a game is over, you can request to continue the match with the same
partner by pushing the Again button or you can return into the single
player mode by pushing the Done button.
- You can push the correct numbers in any order and also simultaneously to speed up your solution.
- If you accidentally push the wrong button, push it again to undo.
- You can turn the sound on and off in the system preferences for MindCalc (switch Sound).
- If you play against a partner, the difficulty level will by default be set to your partner's level if it is higher than your current difficulty level. If you do not want to potentially play at a higher level, you can switch off Upgrade Difficulty in the system preferences for MindCalc.