The following explains the rules of SeaTower and how to play.
SeaTower is a patience type of card game. Initially the deck is distributed randomly on the ten piles and the four slots in the heap.
The goal is to move all cards to the dump (sometimes also called the foundation).
- Any card from a top of a pile can go on the heap as long as their is space (initially there are two empty slots).
- A card originating from the top of the piles or the heap can go onto the dump if it is an ace or the immediate successor card of a card already in the dump. Successor is defined according to the common order. Note that you do not need to put cards on the dump yourself since the program is doing this for you whenever possible.
- The top card of a pile or a card from the heap can be added to another pile if it is the immediate predecessor of the destination's top card. Predecessor is defined according to the common order. For example you can move the queen of hearts only on the king of hearts but not on any other card.
- If the top card of a pile is a king, it can go on any empty pile.
How to play
You can perform most moves by just clicking on a card.
- If the card can be moved at all, clicking on a card in the heap will move the card to the unique position outside the heap.
- If the card can be moved at all, clicking on a top card of a pile will move the card to the unique position if there is only one choice or to another pile.
- To move a top card into the heap you can drag it there (actually dragging always works).
- You can also click on cards or drag them when they are inside a pile. This will move the whole sub-pile if there is sufficient space on the heap.
- Clicking inside the heap with a modifier key (ctrl, alt, shift or meta) pressed moves as many cards as possible from the heap to the piles.
- Clicking inside the piles with a modifier key (ctrl, alt, shift or meta) pressed moves as many cards as possible onto safe piles. A pile is considered as safe if it contains only one color and the cards are in descending order.
User controls
New | Create a new game which is solvable. |
Solve | Try to find a solution for the current game. |
Hint | Show a hint for the next card to be moved. |
Warn | If this is checked, a warning is generated whenever a game is created which is not solvable. |
<< | Go back to the first state. |
>> | Go forward to the last state. |
< | Go back to the previous state. |
> | Go forward to the next state. |
Order of cards
The cards are ordered as follows (shown for Diamonds but same principle applies for the other colors as well). This means that the ace has the lowest value and the king has the highest value.
- Note that the program guarantees that a newly created game is solvable and the dump is empty.
- The program searches for a solution by depth first backtrack search. The possible moves in each state are ordered according to the following preferences in the order given: dump as many cards as possible, try to build descending piles and have as few cards in the heap as possible.
System requirements
The applet runs on any browser which supports Java 1.1. No additional libraries are required.